
Wrestling Delhi

Healthy nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest together define the term fitness. Physical fitness puts together two concepts:

General fitness: A state of overall health

Specific fitness: A task-oriented based on sports

 World over the concept of fitness and healthy living has been prevalent for decades. In India, the concept of well- being has existed centuries ago through the vedas. A balance between mind, body and soul, in a pragmatic manner, was encouraged. But over time, the implementation was lost.

Now, well- being has a new identity called “fitness” and the pace with which it has picked up in the cosmopolitan cities of India is like a forest fire.  Every colony has a gym, and scattered over the metropolitans are many fitness studios. There are loads of varieties of workouts available to the audience up for trying new things and challenge their own potential.

The daily routine of life makes it essential for everyone to pay attention to “fitness.” CROSSTRAIN provides training for people beyond competitive fighters. The platform is created for all to train in a personal capacity. The class format is such that it helps strengthen the body, increase endurance and give a sense of overall satisfaction a the end of the day. The boxing, kick- boxing, Jiu Jitsu, Wresting, Circuit training and recently introduced, Yoga class, provide a weekly, full body workout. Come, take your pick, create a mix and increase your stamina and endurance at CROSSTRAIN!

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